Home 5 Gifts in Wills

Gifts in Wills

Making a Will is a crucial step in safeguarding the future of your loved ones, and it also presents a unique opportunity to create a lasting impact through charitable giving.

Consider including a donation to Mentoring Men in your Will, as it can help transform the lives of men facing mental health challenges. Your generous contribution will support our efforts to provide guidance, support, and empowerment, supporting men in their life journey. By leaving a gift to Mentoring Men, you can make a profound difference in helping to build communities where no man walks alone.


There are several ways you can include a gift to Mentoring Men in your will:

Percentage of Your Estate

Consider designating a percentage of your estate to Mentoring Men. This flexible option ensures that your gift maintains its value relative to your total assets, accounting for inflation or changes over time.

Percentage of Your Residuary Estate

After taking care of your loved ones in your will, you can leave a percentage of the remaining estate to Mentoring Men, contributing to our important work.

Fixed Sums or Assets

You may choose to leave a specific sum or particular assets to Mentoring Men, providing direct support to our organisation.

If you already have a will, you can easily add a short amendment with the assistance of your solicitor or a public trustee. If you don’t have a will, we strongly recommend seeking advice to create one, ensuring your wishes are legally documented.

To include Mentoring Men in your will, we recommend seeking the guidance of a solicitor to ensure your wishes are accurately reflected. The process is not expensive or difficult, and a solicitor can provide valuable assistance throughout. It is also important to have a conversation with your family, explaining your reasons for choosing to include Mentoring Men in your will.

A quick and easy option for creating your Will online

Leaving a gift in your will to Mentoring Men has never been more convenient. We have partnered with Willed, a trusted online wills platform, to make the process simple and efficient for you. With Willed, you can easily create and edit your will, ensuring that your wishes are accurately reflected.

To begin the process, click the button below:

To learn more about leaving a bequest to Mentoring Men in your will, we invite you to reach out to us. You can request additional information by filling out the form provided on our website. Our team is also available to have a friendly and informative conversation with you. You can contact us at 1300 583 925 or email us info@mentoringmen.org.au.

We are here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to make a meaningful impact through your bequest to Mentoring Men.